Area's of psychological difficulties I work with
I have extensive experience treating psychological distress, which include:
Stress and Anxiety
Panic disorder and phobias
Depression sadness and emptiness
Bereavements and loss.
Divorce or redundancy
Lacking confidence, self-esteem or having feelings of underachievement
Finding it difficult sustain good relationships or repeatedly becoming involved in unsatisfactory or destructive relationships
Affairs and betrayals
Unresolved difficulties from childhood or your more recent past
Difficulties relating to sexuality
Family and work related difficulties
I have specialised experience with individuals in the following:
Relationship difficulties which, amongst others, can range from:
Relationships between parents, siblings, partners, children, family members and in-laws, and friends whom you may experience as relatives.
Parenting, or making the choice not to be a parent, post natal depression, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, still birth, infertility and IVF.
It might seem on the surface that these are area’s in which we feel we should instinctively manage and know how to cope with. However, I believe this is when we can unnecessarily criticise ourselves see ourselves as unnatural, not good enough or experience feelings of anger. As a result we can often feel locked in emotions such as guilt, shame, bewilderment and as mentioned before anger. Together we can begin to explore and unpack these states of mind, with a view to finding an understanding to these difficult, delicate and sensitive issues.
You might find yourself beginning to seek comfort in:
Drug misuse
The use of the Internet.
On the other hand you might be in recovery from an addiction. Wherever you might be in this cycle of behaviour, together we can begin or continue to untangle these unhelpful, some times destructive impulses and explore their origins.
If you are experiencing any of these difficulties you might find psychotherapy helpful.